Sunday, 17 May 2020

Business Process Mapping - what to consider...

Dear All... 

When mapping an as-is or to-be business (e.g. marketing or sales processes..) what are the key elements that go into the exercise? Here are some of the most important things I consider. I have recently completed a few process mapping projects; so sharing my view based on experience... It's good to hear from others on what they include (or do not) when embarking upon such efforts... Here is my list: 1) An over-arching Customer Journey with the phases that the person goes through with your organisation (from even before they become an actual customer!) 2) A taxonomy that groups processes against the organisational units 3) The process list 4) The framework/guidelines/template that all processes must follow 5) The end-to-end processes themselves 6) Management reporting - a dashboard with key performance indicators for each level of abstraction adjusted for the intended readership 7) Tool automation requirements (that were captured during workshops and meetings) 8) Controls and methods for good governance
9) Method for managing the organisational change especially during the transition 10) The process and logs for continual improvement... Do share how you go about this within your world. Thank you... Musab Qureshi -